Pins and Needles

One girl... two sticks... a whole lotta wool

Friday, December 23, 2005

Better late than never.

I couldn't post that I'd finished the seafoam scarf, because technically I hadn't. Whilst I finished the knitting about 10 days ago, it remained a WIP because I didn't finish it off properly. For as long as it had ends of wool hanging off it, there was no way I could called it finished. From the time I got home there just hasn't been a good time to get away from mom in order to do it. But today she disappeared for the grand Christmas food shop and I seized my chance.

I'm really pleased with how it turned out. The yarn is lovely and soft, and the overall fabric of the knit has turned out to be as airy as I hoped. Just hope my mom likes it as much as I do!

Saturday, December 17, 2005

And we're off

I just cast on the first of the two Harry Potter scarves. I arrived home from uni at 1pm and ran straight to my room to open the package of yarn (think my dad would have preferred me to finish helping him to unload my car though). I would have sat down then and there and cast on, but having driven 120 miles with my exhaust hanging off I was forced to go and get my car fixed first!

So the car is fixed and now I've cast on. After a few practice cast ons with scrap yarn I decided that my preferred method of joining the cast on edge was to cast on an extra stitch and then pass that across and knit the two end stitches together. It makes a really snug join.

So that's one scarf cast on, more trapped bars than I care to think about right now to knit... and to start all over again!

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Knitting Double

I have just placed an order for some beautiful claret and yellow wool. Sufficient to make two Gryffindor scarves for my lovely housemates. They've paid for the yarn, I just have the making to do. I'm looking forward to it, though I wonder whether I'm going to enjoy it so much by the end of the second scarf.

The pattern I'm going to use is the Atypically Knit pattern that seems to be top of most people's to-knit lists. It looks straight forward enough.

I won't be starting on them until I get home from uni as I've sent the package of yarn there. I figure I have enough things to distract me without more knitting!