Pins and Needles

One girl... two sticks... a whole lotta wool

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Mitred Fun

I've seen mitred squares in a few places lately and thought they sounded like fun. I had some scrap yarn hanging around so I decided to give them a try. 8 squares later and I have a small cushion cover.

The yarn was Sirdar's Bonus DK. Its very cheap acrylic, but its quite ok to work with. I don't remember what I used it for, but this was a way to use up a bit more of it. I decided to make half the squares with the yellow first, and the rest with the orange first so that I could get the standy out effect (I'm sure there's a proper name for it). I joined them together by crocheting them with crab stitch so that it was a bit more decorative.

I enjoyed this, and it has made me look around for some other cushion cover patterns.


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